By the way if you might wonder, thats my seven year old grandson behind the glasses.
Welcome to my blog where we can share ideas about how to use ordinary items in unique ways to make our homes special.
These early birds are eagerly waiting for ten o'clock to arrive. We usually have a number of shoppers arrive early to have first pick at some of the limited handmades and perhaps an antique treasure that has just arrived.
It's always fun to see cars lined up in the parking lot each year. Inside, shoppers are discovering all the wonderful things gathered for the Christmas holidays.
Lucky for me, my husband and son came to unpack and recycle.
So much fun to see all the Primitiques furniture and treasures.
It's beginning to take shape. Stay tune to see the final result or better yet, come by for a visit this Saturday!
2829 North Main (hwy 90 A )
Stafford,Tex 77477
(281) 261-2983
Tues-Sat 10:00 -5:00