What does all of this have to do with Thanksgiving memories? Actually nothing at all.
Welcome to my blog where we can share ideas about how to use ordinary items in unique ways to make our homes special.
2829 North Main (hwy 90 A )
Stafford,Tex 77477
(281) 261-2983
Tues-Sat 10:00 -5:00
I'm hoping your green thumb will rub off on me! I'm thankful to have such a wonderful friend as you. Marvonne
Green Thumb? Your too kind.I think it is a sunny spot and rain to keep those plants going.I am thankful for your friendship and support.
love that cabinet and the tree and crock.. all of it actually!! lol
Hi Hayley, Glad you liked it all. :)
Aww.. you're very welcome Cherry, glad I found your blog, would love you to check mine out if you get a chance :)
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