Our annual Candlelight Cider Open House is less than a week away and preparations are already under way. We will be working Sunday and Monday to make the shop ready for Christmas.
The Open House is Nov. 3rd thru 7th
Below are some pictures of last year's event.
These early birds are eagerly waiting for ten o'clock to arrive. We usually have a number of shoppers arrive early to have first pick at some of the limited handmades and perhaps an antique treasure that has just arrived.
It's always fun to see cars lined up in the parking lot each year. Inside, shoppers are discovering all the wonderful things gathered for the Christmas holidays.

Each year we decorate uniquely themed trees throughout the shop. These shoppers are looking at the Santa tree. One of our annual traditions is serving homemade baked goods and cider to welcome our friends. We hope you can come and join us this year!